
Participation in conferences, workshops, symposia and colloquia


The inaugural Master Recycler Vancouver Conference, centered around Master Recycler Vancouver program participants and their community. Presentation title: “Circular Economy from Below” December 13th 2020.

International Webinar Series on Open Science and the Decolonization of Knowledge | South & Southeast Asia (Ciência Aberta Além do Acesso Aberto: Para e com comunidades: Um passo à decolonização do conhecimento) (in Portuguese); The Canadian Commission for UNESCO and the UNESCO Chair in Community-Based Research and Social Responsibility in Higher Education (2.12.2020)

Webinar Book launch: Lançamento livro “Catadores e espaços de (in)visibilidades”  Francelino Gonçalves-Dias, S. L.; Sakurai, T. &Ziglio, L. (Org.)  Catadores e espaços de (in) visibilidades. São Paulo: Editora Blucher (26.11.2020)

SUM2020 / 5th Symposium on Urban Mining and Circular Economy. Webinar workshop: Circular Economy through the lens of Inclusive Recycling: a global North-global South dialogue. Venice, Italy (20.11.2020)

Webinar: Conversations about waste Reclaimer integration and Extended Producer Responsibility. DSI/NRF/CSIR Chair in Waste and Society Webinar Series, South Africa (17.9.2020)

Webinar: Women, leadership and sustainability in critical times. Global Communication Governance.Università degli Studi di Padova Dipartimento di Scienze Politiche, Giuridiche e Studi Internazionali(5.6.2020)

UVic Idea Fest. Panel discussion: Beyond Plastic: exploring the issue of waste in Canada (4.3.2020).

UVic Idea Fest. Panel discussion: Food Sovereignty in the Era of Climate Crisis: Global Challenges and Local Resilience (3.3.2020).


17th International Waste Management and Landfill Symposium, Sardinia, Italy (30.09.-04.10.2019): “Grassroots Innovations in Waste Governance Addressing Sustainable Development Goals”.

Colloquium “Facing the Anthropocene with Alexander von Humboldt’s Views of Nature” University of Victoria (14.09.2019): “The Need for Trans-disciplinarity and Humboldt’s Approach to Geography in Addressing Research on Global Change and the Anthropocene”.

UNTFSSE International Conference: Implementing the Sustainable Development Goals: What Role for Social and Solidarity Economy? ILO, Geneva (25.-26.06.2019): “Waste picker social economy organizations addressing Sustainable Development Goals”.

4th International Conference on Public Policy (ICPP4), Montréal (26.-28.06.2019): “Environmental Governance towards Sustainability Transitions in Cities of the Global South” (Frey, K. & Jacobi, P. R.).


I Simposio Internacional do Programa de Pós-Graduação em Enfermagem, VIII Encontro da Rede/Roda de Pesquisa-ação Participativa, Universidade Estadual de Maringá, Paraná (7.12.2018). Presentation: The university and its commitment to socio-environmental transformations in the face of climate change: Advances and challenges (A universidade e o seu compromisso com as transformações socioambientais face às mudanças climáticas: Avanços e desafios).

II. SEMINÁRIO: REDES DE RECICLAGEM E GOVERNANÇA DE RESÍDUOS SÓLIDOS: Oficina de trabalho com lideranças de catadores/catadoras. Organization and implementation of the research workshop with representatives from waste picker organizations and networks, NGOs and the University. Topic: National Solid Waste Policy and possible action strategies (Política Nacional de Resíduos Sólidos e possíveis estratégias de ação), Universidade Federal do ABC (UFABC) (4.12.2018)

Curso de pós-graduação com Prof. Dr. Klaus Frey, UFABC, titulado: “Environmental governance and policies for sustainable metropolitan governance in the context of climate change”

Oficina de Trabalho Taller Internacional Innovación e Inclusión para una Economía Circular de los Residuos. (10.-13.10.2018) Universidad Nacional de Quilmes, Buenos Aires, Argentina. Presentation: Modelos de gobernanza de los residuos e inclusión social en el Sur global.

Programa de Pós-Graduaçao em Estudos de Cultura e Território – PPGCULT, Universidade Federal do Tocantins – UFT, Campus Araguaína. Araguaína (11 – 12.09.2018). Curso de pós-graduação sobre “Pesquisa participante/Pesquisa-ação”.

III Simpósio do Programa de Pós-Graduação em Estudos de Cultura e Território, I Seminário Internacional do Programa de Pós-Graduação dm Estudos de Cultura e Território, Araguaína, Tocantins (11.09.2018) Presentation: Propostas e desafios de pesquisa participativa e pesquisa-ação: Exemplos de trabalhos com catadores

DAAD RISE meeting in Heidelberg (06.07.2018). Presentation: How I became a researcher on the Geographies of Waste: a cultural, interdisciplinary and international journey.

LMU-University of München (02.07.2018). Presentation: Grassroots social innovations changing narratives on waste: Research with waste pickers.

SUM2018 Symposium on Urban Mining in Bergamo, Italy (21. – 24.05.2018).Presentation: Waste pickers at the heart of the circular economy: a perspective from the global South.

INCLUSIVE WASTE GOVERNANCE AND GRASSROOTS INNOVATIONS: International conference and workshops, Kisumu (23.-29.04.2018) Delegations composed of researchers, government agents and representatives of collectors from various countries (Argentina, Brazil, Canada, Chile, Nicaragua and Tanzania) met in Kisumu, Kenya to exchange the results of research on governance including solid waste and basic innovations; two research initiatives coordinated by the universities of Victoria (Canada) and the university of Gothenburg (Sweden), since 2017. In addition to a representative of the Federal University of ABC (UFABC), two waste pickers, Ionara Pereira dos Santos, coordinator of the recycling cooperative Avemare, in Santana de Paraiba and member of the Sustainable Green Network of recycling cooperatives, and Cleiton Ribeiro Emboava of the waste pickers’ association Associação Nova Glicério, in São Paulo.

Centre for Asia-Pacific Initiatives – Research Talks, University of Victoria (01.03.2018) Presentation: Livelihoods and health status of waste pickers in Dhaka, Bangladesh  

Latin American Research Group LARG – University of Victoria (21.02.2018) Presentation: Waste pickers challenging the current Circular Economy: A Global South perspective.


I. SEMINÁRIO: REDES DE RECICLAGEM E GOVERNANÇA DE RESÍDUOS SÓLIDOS: Oficina de trabalho com lideranças de catadores/catadoras. Intervenção como parte das atividades de pesquisa realizadas pelos projetos (Projeto Transferência de Tecnologias, Projeto Redes de Reciclagem e Projeto Mapeando Governança, atuantes na Região Metropolitana de SP. As pesquisas têm identificados pontos nefrálgicos e desafios que dificultam o trabalho de muitos catadores organizados. Também percebemos algumas inovações que tem ajudado a vencer algumas das barreiras que muitos grupos estão vivendo. Organizamos essa reunião de trabalho para discutir alguns dos desafios e buscar conjuntamente soluções e encaminhamentos para melhorar essas situações. A oficina de 1 dia ofereceu um espaço para a discussão e a troca de experiências entre esses grupos e para gerar perspectivas e estratégias para tratar dos desafios. 01.08.2017, Universidade Federal do ABC, Santo André

Opening the Bin – New perspectives on waste, culture and society from the humanities and the social sciences – Lund University, Helsingborg Campus. Title: Unpacking waste and creating opportunities for emancipating change, Helsingborg, Sweden, 27. – 28.04.2017.

Seminar for the Research Programme “Sustainability and Resilience – Tackling Climate and Environmental Changes”. Title: Recycling networks Grassroots resilience tackling climate, environmental and poverty challenges. Lund, Sweden, 06. – 07.03.2017.


Sustainable City 2016, 11th International Conference on Urban Regeneration and Sustainability. Wessex Institute. Title: Regenerating cities with community-based inclusive waste management practices, Alicante, Spain12.07.2016.

Lecture: Faculdade de Educação Universidade de São Paulo – USP, Title: Metodologia qualitativa participativa na pesquisa socioambiental: conceitos e práticas (Qualitative methodology and socio-environmental research: concepts and praxis), São Paulo, Brazil. 16.6.2016. (Invited Speaker)

II Seminário e Workshop Internacional: 25 a 29 de Abril 2016, Title: “Combatendo a Pobreza e Construindo a Democracia na Coleta Seletiva Inclusiva”Universidade Federal do ABC (UFABC), Campus São Bernardo do Campo, Brazil. 25. – 29.04.2016.


International Symposium on Challenges in the Training of Community-based Research (CBR). Organized by the UNESCO Chair in Community Based Research and Social Responsibility in Higher Education. UVic, Victoria. 15.09.2015

Departamento de Botânica, Instituto de Biociências, Universidade de São Paulo (USP), Title: Contribuições e desafios do método qualitativo no rompimento de paradigmas, no âmbito da pesquisa sócio-ambiental. 01.09.2015.

Seminario Experiências da Coleta Seletiva e Subsídios para a Implementação da Política Nacional de Resíduos Sólidos. Federal University of the ABC region (UFABC-Câmpus São Bernardo, Brazil) Title: A importância das cooperativas de catadores e catadoras na coleta seletiva. 28.08.2015. 5th CIRIEC International Research Conference on Social Economy, Lisbon, Portugal, 15.-18.07.2015, (Co-authored). From Community-based Organization to socio-environmental entrepreneur. The case of household waste collection in Kisumu’s informal settlements.

5th CIRIEC International Research Conference on Social Economy, Lisbon, Portugal, 15.-18.07.2015. Networking the social economy of recycling cooperatives: sustainability challenges.

‘Interdisciplinary Approaches to Contemporary Social Change’- Special Focus University of Split, Croatia, 11-14.06.2015. Presentation: “Using Film to Uncover Everyday Workplace Experiences in Recycling Cooperatives: A Strategy to Reframe Waste and Waste Recyclers”.

Séminaire Géographie, Aménagement et Développement Durable en Amérique latine (GADDAL) 2014 – 2015. Paris, Sorbonne, 10.04.2015. Presentation: “Experiences with community-based participatory research to uncover everyday practices in informal and cooperative recycling”.

CONFERENCE: Présentation du dernier rapport du Club de Rome : “Le Grand Pillage. Comment nous épuisons les ressources de la planète (18-06-2015), L’université Paris-Dauphine, le 6 mai de 18h à 21h.

Research and Teaching activities as Visiting Professor at the Institut des Hautes Études de l’Amérique Latine (IHEAL), Université Sorbonne Nouvelle – Paris 3.  Pablo Neruda Chair – 2015. January to May 2015.


Formation of the Zero Waste Coalition Brazil – September 2014

Workshop: “Whose Waste, Whose Problem?” Center for Advanced Studies working group on “Waste” at the Center for Advanced Studies (CAS) of the LMU Munich, Germany “Is there a future without waste?” 23.-25.10.2014.

ZWIA14 Conference & Dialogue: Alternatives to Incinerators and Landfills. Nanaimo, BC, 2.-4.10.2014. Presentation: recycling Cooperatives a link to achieve Zero Waste: Experiences from the Global South.

Regional Studies Association European Conference 2014, Dokuz Eylül University, Faculty of Business, Izmir, Turkey, 15.-18.06.2014. Presentation: Recycling cooperative networks – building resilient communities.

II. Symposium of Urban Mining Bergamo Italy, 19-21.05.2014. Presentation: Cooperative urban mining.

Conferência Temática sobre Economia Solidaria na Saúde Mental e na Coleta Seletiva com Catadores e Catadoras organizados de materiais reciclaveis. III CONAES – Mauá, 14.03.2014


Seminário de Pesquisa e Extensão com Profa. Sonia Kruppa, Profa. Carmen Moraes e Dra. Crystal Tremblay. Faculdade de Educação da Universidade de São Paulo (USP) 5.12.2013. Titulo: Pesquisa- ação e vídeo participativo: Reflexões sobre experiências com cooperativas de catadores.

International Forum of the Better Futures Network (BFN), Rio de Janeiro, 25. – 28.11. 2013. Presentation: Working with catadores: The participatory sustainable waste management experience.

Universität Hohenheim, Tropenzentrum. Title: Participatory resource management: Recycling cooperatives in Brazil, Hohenheim, Germany, 23.10.2013.

SARDINIA 2013, 14th International Waste Management and Landfill Symposium. Title: Recycling cooperatives addressing climate change challenges: a case study from Brazil. Sardinia, Italy 30.09.-04.10.2013.

N-AERUS XIV. Title: Inclusive and clean cities with participatory sustainable solid waste management. Enschede, The Netherlands, 12.-14.09.2013.

XV Comparative Education World Congress WCCES2013. TG11-P4. Global networking and community university engagement: challenges and opportunities. Title: Co-creating knowledge in a Community – University partnership research project. Facultad de Ciencias Económicas de la Universidad de Buenos Aires, Argentina, 24.–28.06.2013.

Colloquium: “Cartoneando” metrópolis en el cono sur: experiencias de investigación/acompañamiento con organizaciones de recuperadores en San Pablo, Montevideo y Buenos Aires. Title: Coleta seletiva com cooperativas de catadores: Experiencias da Região Metropolitana de São Paulo. Universidade de Buenos Aires, 24.06.2013.

1ª Conferencia Livre de Meio Ambiente do ABC, Fundação Santo André. Title: Gestão de resíduos sólidos: geração de emprego, trabalho e renda. Santo André, 15.06.2013.

1ª Conferencia Livre de Meio Ambiente de Osasco e Região. Title: Modelos de gestão de resíduos sólidos. Osasco, 12.06.2013.

Future Megacity Conference. Title: Capitalizing on Urban Waste as a Sustainable Resource. Hamburg, Germany, 14-16.05.2013.

Workshop: Waste Electrical and Electronic Equipment (WEEE) – Pyrolysis, Brazil. University of Gothenburg, Sweden and University of São Paulo (IEE). Title: Multifaceted approaches to solid waste in large metropolitan regions of the global South: Experiences, challenges and opportunities. São Paulo, Brazil. 04.04.2013.


III. Meeting and II. Congress of the CLACSO HABITAT Working Group (III. Reunião e III Congresso do Grupo de Trabalho Habitat Popular e Inclusão Social de CLACSO):  Cidades das Pessoas. Rio de Janeiro. Title: Cidades inclusivas e sustentáveis com a recuperação de recursos por cooperativas de catadores, 15-17.10.2012.

ISEE 2012 Conference – Ecological Economics and Rio+20: Challenges and Contributions for a Green Economy. Title: The solidarity economy of cooperative recycling: Transition towards ecological economy? Rio de Janeiro, Brazil. 18.06.2012.

ISEE 2012 Conference – Ecological Economics and Rio+20: Challenges and Contributions for a Green Economy. Title: Common property rights: a methodological approach for marine extractive reserves in Brazil. (Co-presenter). Rio de Janeiro,19.06.2012.

Annual Meeting of the Association of American Geographers (AAG). Title: ‘Waste to energy’ expanding the geography of despair and resistance. New York. 28.02.2012.


Annual conference of the Association for Eco-economy: “Perspectives of an economy without growth” (“SUFFIZIENZ: Verzicht oder Glück?“), Freiburg, Germany, Title: Cooperative recycling promoting solidarity economy: a pathway towards sufficiency economy 27-29.10.2011.

International Congress: “Local Governments and Environmental Public Policy: A Dialog between Mexican and Canadian Stakeholders”. Universidad Popular Autónoma del Estado de Puebla, Mexico. Discussion Panel 1: Solid Waste Management and Public Policy 21-23.09.2011.

CU Expo 2011(Community-University Partnerships:  Bringing Global Perspectives to Local Action) University of Waterloo, Canadá. Panel: Community University Partnerships in Scientific Education. Title: Community-based research for empowerment, 12.05.2011.

CU Expo 2011(Community-University Partnerships:  Bringing Global Perspectives to Local Action) University of Waterloo, Canadá. Skill Building/ Learning Workshop. Title: Self-evaluation concepts in participatory trans-disciplinary projects and CU-partnerships, 12.05.2011.

CU Expo 2011 (Community-University Partnerships:  Bringing Global Perspectives to Local Action) University of Waterloo, Canadá.  Title: Photo and video providing a voice in community-based research, 12.05.2011.

CU Expo 2011 (Community-University Partnerships:  Bringing Global Perspectives to Local Action) University of Waterloo, Canadá. Poster presentation: Participatory Sustainable Waste Management, 12.05.2011.

Guest lecture to 1st year students (multidisciplinary) at Fundação Universitária Santo André. Title: Consumption, waste and social responsibility. 18.02.2011.

Guest lecture Graduate students at the Faculty of Education University of São Paulo USP. Title: Qualitative research method. 14.03.2011.

Guest lecture to graduate and under graduate students. Instituto de Geociências – USP. University of São Paulo. Title: Coleta seletiva solidária – muito mais do que gestão de resíduos sólidos. 06.04.2011.

Seminário de Ensino do Programa de Pós-graduação da USP (Interunidades em Ensino de Ciências da USP). University of São Paulo Title: Contribuições e desafios do método qualitativo no rompimento de paradigmas, no âmbito da pesquisa socioambiental. 17.05.2011.


International recyclers’ fare EXPOCATADORES 2010. Title: Mercado de Gestão de Resíduos Sólidos e Reciclagem: O papel das organizações de catadores na prestação de serviços com vistas ao atendimento da Política Nacional de Resíduos Sólidos. São Paulo. 22.12.2010.

Keynote speaker at the inauguration of the project: Rede ABC Catadores gerando renda. Coopcent, Diadema. 25.10.2010.

Technology week at the Universidade Católica. Title: Coleta seletiva com a inclusão de grupos organizados de catadores. Santos, 29.09.2010.

I. Forum Regional da Coleta Seletiva à Cidadania. Title: Coleta seletiva solidária – muito mais do que gestão de resíduos sólidos. Ribeirão Preto, 27.09.2010.

Workshop: Trans-disciplinary Projects on Waste Prevention and Resource Saving. Title: Participatory Sustainable Waste Management (PSWM) Integrated organic waste management. Berlin, 4.-5.08.2010.

DPU – Dialogues in Development. Title: Inclusive resource recovery from solid waste or incineration technology: Challenges and experiences from Brazil. London, 30.07.2010 

Round table at FAFIL, Semana Integrada de Meio Ambiente (2010). Title: Educação Ambiental: Permanência ou Transformação Socioambiental. Santo André. 7.6.2010.

Keynote speaker at the 2nd Seminar on Public Policies for Inclusive Waste Management. Subtitle: Reciclagem: metodologias sustentáveis para os resíduos e a inclusão social. Title: Os impactos sociais da incineração. Câmara Municipal de São Paulo, 28.05.2010.

Presentation at the recyclers’ cooperative AVEMARE. Title: Coleta seletiva solidária: Oportunidades para a inclusão social e a saúde ambiental. São Paulo. 25.05.2010.

University del Cauca-Colombia. Title: El reciclaje organizado: Oportunidad para la inclusión social y salud ambiental. Popayan. 29.04.2010.

Annual Meeting of the Association of American Geographers (AAG). Title: Shifting values from waste to resource: addressing environmental change and securing livelihoods. Washington DC, 14.-18.04 2010.

Towson University, Department of Geography. Title: Solidarity economy and recycling co-ops in São Paulo:  Micro-credit to alleviate poverty. Towson, USA. 19.04.2010.

Environmental Studies Graduate Students Speaker Series. Title: Recovering resources: How inclusive waste management addresses poverty reduction and environmental health. Victoria. 12.03.2010.

TU- Berlin. Title: Community-based Research at UVic.  Berlin. 16.2.2010.

Geography Colloquium, UVic. Title: Risks and vulnerabilities in co-op recycling. Victoria. 05.02.2010.

Collaboration with Rose Henry at the Symposium on Alternative knowledge and the social economy – UVic.  Workshop title: The Mothers Project. Victoria. 30.01.2010.

UVic Sustainability Project. Title: Think Outside The Bottle: An engaging forum on the social and environmental implications, locally and globally, of how we use our water. Victoria. 27.01.2010.


Geo Speaker Series. SFU-Vancouver. Title: Organized informal recycling: Participation and empowerment expanding spaces for a global movement, Vancouver, 05.11.2009.

UPCD Workshop: Educating for Changes in Practice & Managing for Local Ownership. University of Victoria, Title: Participatory project management and Co-op Recycling in Brazil. 23.11.2009.

Latin American Research Group –LARG. Title: Shifting values, transforming culture, reviewing worldviews: From waste to resource, Victoria, 16.10.2009

Keynote Speaker at the International Conference Festival Lixo e Cidadania (Festival Citizenship and Waste), Belo Horizonte, 22.09.2009.

GECHS Synthesis Conference “Human Security in an Era of Environmental Change”, Title: Shifting values, transforming culture, reviewing worldviews: From waste to resource. University of Oslo, Oslo, Norway. 22-24.06.2009.

Institute on Community-based Research, UVic. Workshop Title: Sustainable Waste Management a nd Recycling with Binners and Communities in Brazil and Canada. With Crystal Tremblay and Nandakumar, 15.05.2009.

XII Encuentro De Geógrafos de América Latina, Universidad de la República, Montevideo, Uruguay. Title: Video participativo: uma ferramenta para gerar empoderamento e inclusão na gestão de resíduos sólidos urbanos, 03-07.04.2009.

Annual Meeting of the Association of American Geographers (AAG), Las Vegas. Title: Inclusive waste management a radical approach to end poverty and to recover environmental health, 22–27.03.2009.

International Women’s Day UVic women’s passions for research and teaching, 09.03.2009.

Speaker’s Series BC Institute for Co-operative Studies: Title: Advances, Risks and Vulnerabilities of Co-op Recycling, 05.03.2009.

Canada School of Public Service learning tour on homelessness in Victoria. UVic, 17.02.2009.

University of Los Angeles (UCLA) Presentation at the Tod Spieker Colloquium, Department of Geography, UCLA, Los Angeles, 23.01.2009.


UVic: Critical Conversations about Diversity. Panel: Community based/Participatory action. Title: Building social capital with video documentation. February 06, 2008.

University of Florence, Department of Economic Sciences (Dipartimento di Scienze Economiche), 18 December, 2008.

Knowledge in Motion, St. John’s, Newfoundland. Title: Perceived through our eyes: Empowerment and learning with participatory video. October 2008.

CUExpo 2008, University Partnerships – Connecting for Change. University of Victoria, BC. Story Telling Session: Organized recycling experiences from the streets of São Paulo, May 07, 2008.

CUExpo 2008, University Partnerships – Connecting for Change. University of Victoria, BC. Round Table: Informal recycling and social exclusion, May 06, 2008.

CUExpo 2008, University Partnerships – Connecting for Change.  University of Victoria, BC. Video screening: “Cooperpires, May 07, 2008.

Fourth International Conference on Waste Management 2008:  Waste Management and the Environment.  The University of Granada, Spain. Title: Organized and informal recycling: Social movements contributing to sustainability. 2 – 4 June 2008.

Conversations on Community Based Research: Engaging communities with college faculty and students. Douglas College NW Campus, Vancouver. Title: Participatory video for empowerment of recyclers in Brazil. May 09, 2008.


Management UPCD Workshop: Promoting cross-project dialogue toward greater sectoral collaboration. Simon Fraser University, Vancouver. Title: Strategies to promote gender equality. 28.03.2007.

Lunedi della Geografia Cafoscarina, University of Venice, Italy. Title: Cities, consumption and disposable society: an issue of human security. 23.04.2007.

1. International CIRIEC Research Conference on the Social Economy, Victoria, Canada. Title: Micro-credit and recycling co-ops: grassroots initiatives to alleviate poverty. October 22nd to 25th 2007.

Student Workshop on the Social Economy: Linking Communities of Study & Practice: The Social Economy in a Changing World. 1. International CIRIEC Research Conference on the Social Economy, Victoria, Title: Cooperpires a grassroots experience from Brazil. 22.10.07.


United Nations World Urban Forum, Vancouver Video Screening: Recycling Citizenship. [] at: World Urban Forum (19.-23.06.2006)

VIII Seminario Argentino Chileno / II Seminario Cono Sur de Estudios Sociales, Humaniades y Relaciones. Mendoza – Argentina, Title: Conflicts and challenges in informal resource recovery: a case study on local governance and recycling initiatives in Brazil (8.  – 11. 03.2006).

XXVII International Congress of the Latin American Studies Association (LASA). San Juan, Puerto Rico, Title: Occupational health and safety risks in informal selective waste collection (with co-author Angela Baeder) (15 – 18.03.2006).

VIII Seminario Argentino Chileno / II Seminario Cono Sur de Estudios Sociales, Humaniades y Relaciones. Mendoza – Argentina, Title: Conflicts and challenges in informal resource recovery: a case study on local governance and recycling initiatives in Brazil (8. – 11.03.2006).

Canadian Association for Latin American and Caribbean Studies, University of Calgary, Title: Resource Recovery and Recycling: An Opportunity for Social and Economic Inclusion (28-29.09.2006).

Workshop: Co-management in coastal protected areas (Gestão Participativa de Áreas Protegidas em Zonas Costeiras) at the II. SEGAP (II. Title: Seminário de gestão socioambiental para o desenvolvimento sustentável da aqüicultura e da pesca no Brasil, Rio de Janeiro, 30.11.–01.12.2006.

International Forum on Universities and Participatory Development. UBC, Vancouver, Title: The praxis of participatory action research. 20-22.11.2006.


1st UVic Latin America Research Group Workshop. University of Victoria, Title: Social movements, participatory waste management and income generation among the poor in Brazil: recent experiences (06.05.2005).

Seminar on: Impacts environnementaux et socio-économiques des options de valorisation et de recyclage des déchets solides municipaux pour les collectivités de petite et moyenne tailles. Rabat, Title: Gestion des déchets solides municipaux et la récupération de ressources: Expériences récentes en Brésil (Co-management of urban solid waste resources: opportunities and challenges in São Paulo, Brazil) (01.- 02.06.2005).


Semaine Franco-Italienne Aménagement du Territoire: Confrontation d’éxpériences, Venise, Italy, Title: Peripheries in São Paulo (Brazil): waste scavenging and participatory waste management strategies. (19-23.04.2004).

Forschungsseminar Geographisches Institut der Universität Tübingen, Germany, Title: Soziale und ökologische Herausforderungen in der Peripherie von São Paulo: Probleme und Möglichkeiten des informellen Abfallsektors.(06.05.2004)

10th Biennial Conference of the International Association for the Study of Common Property (IASCP), Title: Challenges in managing fisheries in the São Francisco watershed of Brazil. Oaxaca, Mexico, (09.-13.08.2004).

I Seminário de Gestão Sócio-Ambiental para o Desenvolvimento Sustentável da Aqüicultura e da Pesca no Brasil (I. Seminar on socio-environmental management and sustainable development in aquaculture and fishing in Brazil), Title: Interfaces of aquaculture and fisheries with multistakeholders from coastal areas and continental watersheds. Trends towards participatory management (Interfaces da aqüicultura e da pesca com os multiusuários de zonas costeiras e bacias hidrográficas. Tendências ao co-gerenciamento. Federal University of Rio de Janeiro COPPE/UFRJ, Rio de Janeiro, Brazil, (25-29.08.2004).


Annual Conference of the Association of American Geographers (AAG). Title: Urban waste management and the informal recycling sector in São Paulo, Brazil. New Orleans, USA, (4.3. – 9.3.2003).

World Aquaculture Congress. Title: Threatened livelihoods of traditional fishing communities in coastal Brazil and the introduction of mariculture. Salvador, Brazil, (19.05 – 23.05.2003).

Conference of the Canadian Association of Geographers. Title: Can mariculture provide sustainable livelihoods for declining traditional fishing communities in coastal Brazil? UVIC, Victoria, (27.05 – 31.05.2003).


Colloquium presentation at University of Victoria, Department of Geography. Title: Cities, consumption and solid waste: challenges and opportunities. UVIC, Victoria, (23.11.2002).

Colloquium presentation at the Universidade Federal da Bahia, Title: Comunidades tradicionais e desenvolvimento econômico, (11.01.2002).


Lateinamerika Symposium, Universidade de Tübingen, Title: Peasant communities, local knowledge and impacts of development. A social and environmental perspective on the situation of traditional small-scale farmers in the Cuiabá catchment, Mato Grosso-Brazil (Poster). (16.05.2000).

II International Conference on Quality of Life in Cities. Title: Quality of life in marginal spaces: the urban frontier in São Paulo/Brazil. Singapore (08.03. to 10.03.2000).

II Workshop Nacional sobre o Zoneamento Ecológico-Econômico. Title: Methodologic considerations for participative ecologic-economic zoning, based on sustainability criteria and indicators (Considerações metodológicas para um ZEE participativo, baseada em critérios e indicadores para a sustentabilidade). Manaus, Brazil (03.10. to 5.10.2000).

V Simpósio da Academia de Ciencias do Estado de São Paulo, Academia Brasileira de Ciencias sobre Ecossistemas Brasileiros: Conservaçνo. Title: Preliminary evaluation of the experiences with ecologic-economic zoning in the Amazon (Reflexões e avaliações acerca das experiencias recentes com o zoneamento ecológico-econômico na Amazônia). Vitória, Brazil (10.10. to 15.10.2000).


Australian New Zealand Regional Science Conference. Title: Urban spaces without citizenship: examining the urban frontier in São Paulo/Brazil. University of Newcastle, Newcastle, Australia (19.09. to 22.09.1999).


Annual Conference of the Institute of Australian Geographers: University of Perth-Fremantle. Title: Rural development and social exclusion in Brazil. Freemantle, Australia (29.06. to 03.07.1998).


International Academic Conference on Environmental Justice: Global Ethics for the 21st century. Title: Rural change and local agricultural knowledge in the Midwest of Brazil. University of Melbourne, Melbourne, Australia (01.10. to 03.10.1997).


X Ecopolitics Conference. Title: Brazilian business adopting “green politics”Australian National University, Canberra, Australia (26.09. to 29.09.1996).


Annual Conference of the Institute of Australian Geographers. Title: Social disparities and environmental impacts in the megacity of São Paulo/BrazilThe University of Newcastle, Australia (29.09. to 02.10.1995).


46. Reuniao Annual da Sociedade Brasileira para o Progresso da Ciência. Title: Recent social and environmental change in areas of traditional small scale agriculture (Transformações sócio-ambientais recentes em áreas de pequena produção tradicional).  Vitória, Brazil (17.07. to 22.07.1994).

46. Reuniao Especial da Sociedade Brasileira para o Progresso da Ciência. Title: Small scale agriculture in the savanna (Pequena produção no cerrado: reflexões acerca de um estudo de caso no município de Acorizal/ Mato Grosso). Uberlândia, Brazil (10.04 to 14.04.1994).

48th International Congress of the Americanists. Title: Social and environmental transformations in the Upper Paraguai River Basin in Mato Grosso (Transformaçoes sócio-ambientais na Bacia do Alto Rio Paraguai (Mato Grosso). Stockholm, Sweden (04.07. to 09.07.1994).


4.  Encontro Nacional de Estudos sobre o Meio Ambiente. Title: Socio-economic structure and environmental dynamics in the Upper Paraguai River Basin (Estrutura sócio-econômica e dinâmica ambiental na bacia do Alto Rio Paraguai/MT). UFMT, Cuiabá, Brazil (04.10. to 07.10.1993).


Congresso International: Amazônia perante o direito – problemas ambientais e trabalhistas (Associaçao Germano-Brasileiro de Juristas). Title: The Amazon Corporation Treaty: an alternative to channel technical and financial support from industrialised countries to the Amazon? (O Tratado de Cooperação Amazônica: Uma alternativa para a canalização da cooperação técnica e/ou financeira dos paises industrializados para a Amazônia?), Belém, Brazil (18.11. to 22.11.1991).