University of Victoria Expert Q&A. UVic, April 22, 2020 Expert Q&A about waste pickers hit hard by pandemic
2018-First Research Report of the Recycling Network-Mapping Waste Governance Project. On April 23rd, this project held the I. International Conference in Kisumu, Kenya, organized in collaboration with the Swedish Research Council funded project “Recycling Networks”. The conference allowed project partners, collaborators and the general public to discuss first research findings on the multiple narratives and approaches to formal and informal urban household waste management.
Our research focuses on change and transition events — certain types of tipping points, because solid waste generation is reaching a tipping point. Current prevailing forms of waste management are clearly not sufficiently taking care of the problem. Good waste governance requires the reconceptualization of waste as a resource and an inclusive approach to waste management, with different waste actors (waste pickers, small scale waste entrepreneurs) having a voice and different innovative approaches being showcased. Good waste governance addresses poverty reduction, builds community resilience and increases environmental sustainability.
Following the conference the project participants engaged over 5 days in interactive workshops (e.g. on Participatory Video), community interventions (e.g. clean-up and community mapping activities in informal settlements) and meetings with government and other stakeholders.
Global know-how production, exchange and upscaling in good waste governance and social grassroots innovations related to waste management remain largely un-explored. Our partnership is taking the lead in building a global network on inclusive waste governance.
Pesquisa internacional com catadores mapeia governança e inovações de base na gestão de resíduos de resíduos
O projeto de pesquisa em parceria com catadores e universidades financiado pelo Canada (SSHRC) e Suecia (SRC), examina e documenta as inovações sociais e os desafios em governança inclusiva de resíduos sólidos em três continentes (América do Norte e do Sul, África e Ásia). Uma conferência internacional em Kisumu, Quênia em 23 de abril, organizada pelo projeto permitirá aos parceiros do projeto, colaboradores e público em geral discutir as primeiras descobertas dessas pesquisas sobre as múltiplas narrativas e abordagens formais e informais na gestão urbana de resíduos sólidos. As formas atuais vigentes de gerenciamento de resíduos claramente não estão cuidando suficientemente do problema. Uma boa governança de resíduos requer a percepção de que resíduos são recursos e que se necessita uma abordagem inclusiva no gerenciamento. Boa governança aborda a redução da pobreza, constrói a resiliência da comunidade e aumenta a sustentabilidade ambiental. Após a conferência, os participantes participarão de workshops interativos (por exemplo, sobre o vídeo participativo), intervenções comunitárias (por exemplo, limpeza, mapeamento da comunidade) e reuniões com o governo e outras partes interessadas. Nossa parceria está assumindo a liderança na construção de uma rede global sobre governança inclusiva de resíduos sólidos.
SEMINÁRIO: REDES DE RECICLAGEM E GOVERNANÇA DE RESÍDUOS SÓLIDOS: Oficina de trabalho com lideranças de catadores/catadoras 1. de Agosto 2017 UFABC, Santo André
Objetivo: Intervenção como parte das atividades de pesquisa realizadas pelos projetos (Projeto Transferência de Tecnologias, Projeto Redes de Reciclagem e Projeto Mapeando Governança, atuantes na Região Metropolitana de SP.
As pesquisas têm identificados pontos nefrálgicos e desafios que dificultam o trabalho de muitos catadores organizados. Também percebemos algumas inovações que tem ajudado a vencer algumas das barreiras que muitos grupos estão vivendo. Organizamos essa reunião de trabalho para discutir alguns dos desafios e buscar conjuntamente soluções e encaminhamentos para melhorar essas situações. A oficina de 1 dia vai oferecer um espaço para a discussão e a troca de experiências entre esses grupos e para gerar perspectivas e estratégias para tratar dos desafios. 1. de Agosto 2017, Universidade Federal do ABC, Santo André
OCUE Impact Case Study (REF GEO1)
Participatory Sustainable Waste Management UN Sustainable Development Coals addressed by this project
Increasing the effectiveness, safety, and income generation of organized waste recycling in the metropolitan region of Sao Paulo, Brazil. Faculty Lead: Dr. Jutta Gutberlet, Geography Partners: University of Sao Paulo, Fundacao Santo Andre, Recycling cooperatives (Cooperlimpa, Cooperma, Cooperpires, Coopcicla, Associacao Pacto Ambiental, Refazendo, Raio de Luz, Sempre Verde, Coopercral, Coopercose), Rede Mulher de Educavao, FUNDACENTRO, Movimento Nacional dos Catadores e Materiais Reciclaveis, Consorcio lntermunicipal do ABC. Project timeframe: 2005-2011 Funding: CIDA-AUCC Partnership Grant, IDRC, SSHRC Webiste:
The overall purpose of the Participatory Sustainable Waste Management (PSWM) project was to increase the effectiveness, safety, and income generation of organized waste recycling in the metropolitan region of Sao Paulo, Brazil. Capacity development was accomplished by strengthening the organizational structure and opening up new opportunities for dialogue and action between recyclers and Government. The initiative has increased the awareness about resource recovery and has thus also contributed to improving the urban environment in the region. Besides these outcomes, the project has made significant contributions, far beyond of what was predicted initially. These include, setting up a pilot project on microcredit, advancing the practice of collective commercialization and networking, implementing new training programs for waste pickers on technical aspects of the collection of recyclables, health and risk factors, participative resource management, gender awareness and inclusion, small business and cooperative developments, micro-credit, group dynamics and participatory methodologies. After the conclusion of this project new initiatives gave continuity and advanced the work. A current project now shares and exchanges the co-created knowledge with waste picker groups and movements in other parts of the world. Over six years, the PSWM has introduced participatory approaches into waste management. It has helped create a more inclusive culture amongst the local governments in this region, where empowered recyclers have now a voice in political meetings and decision making. Remunerating the service of waste pickers who recover resources is a pertinent and political issue; which the project members have brought up in the dialogue with Government.
Impact Summary
The project has transformed the lives of many individual waste pickers who have participated in the project or were benefited by a capacity building activity. Through these and the interactions between project members, many of us and particularly the waste pickers have become strongly empowered, helping these individuals to emancipate themselves from oppressive structures. Many waste pickers became leaders in the National Waste Pickers Movement and thus were able to influence policy on a much broader scale. The voices of these participants have impacted decision making and policy design. Some of their outreach has made a difference in local waste governance, generating public policies for inclusive waste management and obtaining funding for new projects. Read more at: 2017 Pages from Impact Stories Uvic 2017
Universidade Federal do ABC (UFABC), Campus São Bernardo do Campo
Veja a entrevista concedida durante a visita de campo em Sorocaba.
Acadêmicos e empresários estrangeiros estiveram nesta quarta-feira (27.04.2016) em Sorocaba para conhecer a divisão de reciclagem de polímeros (plásticos) da Cooperativa de Reciclagem de Sorocaba (Coreso), que integra a Rede Cata-Vida. A visita faz parte de um seminário desenvolvido pela Universidade Federal do ABC (UFABC) e a University of Victoria, do Canadá. Visitantes do Quênia, Argentina, África do Sul, Suécia e Nicarágua participaram do projeto e conheceram os processos de beneficiamento de materiais……
Estrangeiros conhecem reciclagem da Coreso
Contribution to the following READER: Exploring Sustainable Low Carbon Development Pathways. Pioneers of Change. 21 good practices for sustainable low carbon development in developing countries. Friedrich Ebert Stiftung.
Find out more:
FILM FESTIVAL “Green Unplugged”
A festival that aspires not only to witness the current state of our environment—the greater body that has been nourishing the human species—but aspires also to contemplate upon the integral spiritual values that form our relationship with Mother Earth and fellow species. It is not just a festival, but an opportunity to reflect upon our collective conscious and the present human impulse that is participating in life’s creation process. It is an event that hopes to envision what may help us harmonize our living and being—with authentic nature within and without.
“Green Unplugged” is now live:
Participation with: CATADORAS and CATADORES: Working in recycling cooperatives (27mins)
Synopsis: Informal recyclers (catadores) collect, classify and forward recyclable materials to the industry and thus reduce the waste of natural resources. The faces and voices of five catadores express what it means to be an informal recycler. Historically they have been the protagonists of selective waste collection and particularly with door-to-door household collection, organized recyclers become important environmental stewards and educators. The creation and implementation of public policies to promote the inclusion of the recyclers in formal solid waste management is a prerequisite and selective waste collection is a key solution to shift towards resource recovery and environmental education.
Recycling and Reclaiming projects in Brazil with Jutta Gutberlet – for Winds of Change Oct 6 14
Dr. Jutta Gutberlet promotes sustainable livelihoods and community development. She believes that inclusive waste management, including participatory and cooperative research and methodologies, will contribute to responsible consumption, waste reduction and resource recovery, social inclusion, gender equality and a better society overall. Supporting community initiatives for social change, like the “recyclers” and “binners,” who clean up the waste left over from industrial processes (including cans and bottles), is what she loves to do. Jutta shares six years of involvement with recyclers in Brazil, and tells us about zero waste initiatives and new studies and projects from Canada to Kenya.
Production: André Carrieri and Jutta Gutberlet
Today one of the biggest challenges in our cities is the large generation of solid waste. Landfilling or incinerating these materials means wasting resources besides causing environmental degradation and exhausting natural resources, ultimately also causing climate change. The documentary shows how recycling cooperatives operate in the metropolitan region of São Paulo; with collecting, separating and selling recyclable waste. Interviews with some women recyclers illuminate livelihood aspects and facets of the work of these people, humanizing the activity and identifying some of the difficulties encountered by the recyclers. Continuous training and specific skill building under the Participatory Sustainable Waste Management project has contributed to strengthening these organized groups and to improve their recognition by the local government. This video is an excellent tool for raising the awareness towards selective waste collection, solidarity economy, responsible consumption, and the concept of not wasting resources.
To view the video go to the Video section of this website.
Prêmio von Martius de Sustentabilidade 2014
O projeto “Gestão Participativa e Sustentável de Resíduos Sólidos” foi premiado pela Comissão Julgadora do Prêmio von Martius de Sustentabilidade 2014, na categoria Natureza.
A cerimônia de premiação ocorreu dia 05 de agosto de 2014, das 09h30 às 12h00, durante a abertura do Congresso Ecogerma, no Club Transatlântico, sito a Rua José Guerra, 130 – Chácara Sto Antônio, São Paulo.
2014 Von Martius Sustainability Award
The project “Participatory and sustainable solid waste management” was awarded by the judging Committee for the 2014 Von Martius Sustainability Award, in the category “Nature”.
The award ceremony took place August 5, 2014, during the opening of the Congress Ecogerma in the Club Transatlântico, located at Rua José War, 130 – Chácara StoAntônio, São Paulo.
NEW Video documentary release
Video documentary on informal and organized recyclers CATADORAS and CATADORES
A introdução e apresentação do vídeo será seguido por um debate com os produtores do vídeo e a participação de diversos professores da FEUSP sobre o tema: “Como potencializar o trabalho universidade – comunidade para contribuir na transformação social?”
Data: 5a feira dia 21.08.2014
Horário: 17:00 até 19:00 hs.
Local: Auditório da Faculdade de Educação Universidade de São Paulo
Encontro Pró Catador na Universidade de Brasilia – 20 to 22/08/14
Recyclers will present research results at the National Conference “KNOWLEDGE AND TECHNOLOGY: SOCIAL AND ECONOMIC INCLUSION OF COLLECTORS OF RECYCLABLE MATERIALS” to be held at the University of Brasilia, from 20th to 22nd of August 2014. The scientific conference committee has approved the papers to be presented by the recyclers. The recyclers have been trained since to develop their presentation skills and deepen their discurses.
- Collective commercialization – the experience of Coopcent ABC.
- How can recyclers further expand their results through participatory methodologies?
- Strengthening the recyclers and expanding selective solid waste collection in the greater ABC region of São Paulo.
- Introduction to the methodology for calculating the environmental contribution of recycling cooperatives.
- Video documentary on recycling cooperatives and the recovery of citizenship.
- The use of video as a tool to organize the recyclers.
- Action research on environmental education and occupational health of the recyclers
- Adding value to recyclable materials: Micro-enterprise experiences.
- Capacity building of recyclers in the metropolitan region of São Paulo: empowerment and change-a reflection from the Coopcent ABC – SENAES/MTE 004 project.
Catadores e Catadoras vão participar da Conferencia Pro-Catador em Brasilia, nos dias 20 a 22 de Agosto. Os catadores vão apresentar resultados de diversas pesquisas e trabalhos realizados durante os últimos anos no âmbito do projeto Brasil – Canada de gestão participativa e sustentável de resíduos sólidos.
The World Social Science Report 2013 issues an urgent call to action to the international social science community to collaborate more effectively with each other, with colleagues from other fields of science, and with the users of research to deliver solutions-oriented knowledge on today’s most pressing environmental problems. It calls for a transformative social science that is bolder, better, bigger, different:
• bolder in reframing and reinterpreting global environmental change as a social problem
• better at infusing social science insights into real-world problem-solving
• bigger in terms of having more social scientists to focus on global environmental change
• different in the way it thinks about and does research that helps meet the vexing sustainability challenges faced today.
Around 150 authors from all over the world and a wide range of disciplines offer insights that help us understand the challenges before us. The World Social Science Report 2013 was launched on Friday, 15 November 2013, at the UNESCO General Conference in Paris. The report was prepared by the ISSC and co-published with UNESCO and the OECD.
The report is divided into nine sections.
- Introduction: Social sciences in a changing global environment.
- Key messages and recommendations: Global environmental change changes everything
- The complexity and urgency of global environmental change and social transformation
- Social science capacity in global environmental change research.
- The consequences of global environmental change for society
- Conditions and visions for change and sense-making in a rapidly changing world
- The responsibilities and ethical challenges in tackling global environmental change
- New approaches to governance and decision-making
- Contributions from International Social Science Council members, programmes and partner
You can read the full report online:
EXPOCATADORES – Sao Paulo, 21.12.2013
Women’s International Center will honor the catadora Maria Monica Da Silva with a “Sistership at the Living Legacy Award”s on Feb 22 2014 for her far-reaching environmental justice work in support of recycling and sustainability in Sao Paulo Brazil, as nominated by and Women’s International Center is a nearly 30 year old non-profit organization that Honors, Encourages, Celebrates and Educates women internationally