Articles Published in Refereed Journals
Sholanke, D. & Gutberlet, J. (2020) Informal recycling in Vancouver: Binners’ challenges and opportunities. Detritus, 13: pages I-IV.
Gutberlet, J.; Besen, G. R. & Moraes, L. (2020) Participatory solid waste governance and the role of social and solidarity economy: Experiences from São Paulo, Brazil. Detritus, 13: 167-180.
Gutberlet, J. (2020) Grassroots waste picker organizations addressing the UN sustainable development goals. World Development, 138 (2021) 105195.
Gutberlet, J. & Carenzo, S. (2020) Waste Pickers at the Heart of the Circular Economy: A Perspective of Inclusive Recycling from the Global South. Worldwide Waste: Journal of Interdisciplinary Studies, 3(1): 6, 1–14. DOI:
Lau, W. W. Y, … Gutberlet, J., …. (2020) Evaluating scenarios toward zero plastic waste. Science, 369 (6510):1455-1461. DOI: 10.1126/science.aba9475.
Gutberlet, J. (2020) Transforming cities globally: essential public and environmental health services provided by informal sector workers. One Earth, 3(3): 287-289.
Besen, R. & Gutberlet, J. (2020) Os catadores de materiais recicláveis e a COVID-19. Dialogos SocioAmbientais na Mactrometropole. Volume Especial, Dossiê Covid-19. 26-27.
Uddin, S. M. N.; Gutberlet, J.; Ramezani, A. & Nasiruddin, S. M. (2020) Experiencing the everyday of waste pickers: A sustainable livelihoods and health assessment in Dhaka City, Bangladesh. Journal of International Development. DOI: 10.1002/jid.3479.
Gutberlet, J. Bramryd, T. & Johansson, M. (2020) Expansion of the Waste-Based Commodity Frontier: Insights from Sweden and Brazil. Sustainability, 12, 2628; doi:10.3390/su12072628.
Uddin, S. M. N.; Lapegue, J.; Gutberlet, J.; Adamowski, J. F.; Dorea, C. C. & Sorezo, F. (2019) A Traditional Closed-Loop Sanitation System in a Chronic Emergency: A Qualitative Study from Afghanistan. Water, 11, 298; doi:10.3390/w11020298.
Sobral Santos, M.L. & Gutberlet, J. (2018) Transformando relações entre sociedade e resíduos. Caderno Diálogos Socioambientais na Macrometrópole, nº1 (Dez.): 30-37.
Gutberlet, J. & Uddin, S. M. N. (2018) Household waste and health risks affecting waste pickers and the environment in low- and middle-income countries. Int J of Occupational and Environmental Health. DOI:10.1080/10773525.2018.1484996.
Uddin, S. M. N. & Gutberlet, J. (2018) Livelihoods and health status of informal recyclers in Mongolia. Resources, Conservation & Recycling 134: 1–9.
Gutberlet, J.; Carenzo, S.; Kain, J-H.; & de Azevedo, A. M. M. (2017) Waste Picker Organizations and Their Contribution to the Circular Economy: Two Case Studies from a Global South Perspective. Resources 6 (52): 1-12.
Gutberlet, J., Kain, J.-H., Nyakinya, B., Oloko, M., Zapata, P., & Zapata Campos, M. J. (2016). Bridging Weak Links of Solid Waste Management in Informal Settlements. The Journal of Environment & Development.
Gutberlet, J. (2016). Ways Out of the Waste Dilemma: Transforming Communities in the Global South. In: “A Future without Waste? Zero Waste in Theory and Practice,” edited by Christof Mauch, RCC Perspectives: Transformations in Environment and Society, no. 3, 55–68. 2016 RCC Perspective
Gutberlet, J. & Kain, J-H.; Nyakinda, B.; Oshieng, D. H.; Odhiambo, N.; Oloko, M.; Omolo, J.; Omondi, E.; Otieno, S.; Zapata, P. & Zapata Campos, M. J. (2016). Socio-environmental entrepreneurship and the provision of critical services in informal settlements. Environment and Urbanization, pp. 1-18. (Online First) doi:10.1177/0956247815623772. 2016 E&U Kisumo.
Gutberlet, J. (2015). Cooperative urban mining in Brazil: Collective practices in selective household waste collection and recycling. Waste Management. 45: 22-31.
Gutberlet, J. (2014). More inclusive and cleaner cities with waste management co-production: Insights from participatory epistemologies and methods. Habitat International. 46: 234-243.
Gutberlet, J. (2013). Gestão inclusiva de resíduos sólidos, Revista de Geografia (UFPE), 30 (1): 6-23.
Gutberlet, J. (2013). Briefing: Social facets of solid waste: insights from the global south. Waste and Resource Management, 166 (WR3): 110–113.
King, M. & Gutberlet, J. (2013). Contribution of cooperative sector recycling to greenhouse gas emissions reduction: a case study of Ribeirão Pires, Brazil. Waste Management, 2013 WM King & Gutberlet GHG
Nunn, N. & Gutberlet, J. (2013). Cooperative recycling in São Paulo, Brazil: towards an emotional consideration of empowerment. Area, 45 (4): 452-458. DOI: 10.1111/area.12052.
Gutberlet, J.; Baeder, A. M.; Pontuschka, N. N.; Felipone, S. M. N. & dos Santos, T. L. F. (2013). Participatory Research Revealing the Work and Occupational Health Hazards of Cooperative Recyclers in Brazil. Int. J. Environ. Res. Public Health, 10: 4607-4627. DOI:10.3390/ijerph10104607.
Gutberlet, J. & Jayme, B. de O. (2012). A história do meu rosto: como agentes ambientais percebem a estigmatização (re)produzida pelo discurso. Geografia em Questão, 5 (2): 183-200.
Gutberlet, J. (2012). Middle class alliances to end poverty? Commentary on Victoria Lawson’s essay: “De-centering Poverty Studies: middle class alliances and the social construction of poverty. Singapore Journal of Tropical Geography. 33: 20–24 DOI: 10.1111/j.1467-9493.2012.00444.x
Binion, E. & Gutberlet, J. (2012). The effects of handling solid waste on the wellbeing of informal and organized recyclers: A review of the literature. Journal of Occupational and Environmental Health. 18 (1): 43-52.
Gutberlet, J. (2012). Informal and cooperative recycling as a poverty eradication strategy. Geography Compass, 6/1 (2012): 19–34, DOI: 10.1111/j.1749-8198.2011.00468.x.
Jutta Gutberlet (2011). Waste to Energy, Wasting Resources and Livelihoods, Integrated Waste Management – Volume I, Mr. Sunil Kumar (Ed.), InTech, DOI: 10.5772/17195. Available here: Waste to Energy, Wasting Resources and Livelihoods
Yates, J. S. & Gutberlet, J. (2011). Re-claiming and re-circulating urban natures: Integrated organic waste management in Diadema, Brazil. Environment and Planning A, 43 (9): 2109 – 2124.
Yates, J. S. & Gutberlet, J. (2011). Enhancing livelihoods and the urban environment: The local political framework for integrated organic waste management in Diadema, Brazil. Journal of Development Studies, 47 (4): 1-18.
Tremblay, C. & Gutberlet, J. (2011). Empowerment through participation: assessing the voices of leaders from recycling cooperatives in São Paulo, Brazil. Community Development Journal, 46 (3): 282-302. DOI: 10.1093/cdj/bsq040.
Gutberlet, J. (2011). O custo social da incineração de resíduos sólidos: Recuperação de energia em detrimento da sustentabilidade. Revista Geográfica de América Central, Número Especial XIII EGAL, 2011- Costa Rica, 2 (47E): 1-16.
Gutberlet, J. & Pontuschka, N. N. (2010). Pesquisa qualitativa sobre consumo: experiências interdisciplinares. Olhar do Professor, Caderno tematico: Pesquisa qualitativa e consumo. 13 (2): 217-224. DOI: 10.5212/OlharProfr.v.13i2.0001.
Gutberlet, J. & Jayme, B. O. (2010). The story of my face. How environmental stewards perceive stigmatization (re)produced by the media. Sustainability, 2: 3339-3353.
Gutberlet, J. (2010). Waste, poverty and recycling. Waste Management, 30 (2): 171-173.
Tremblay, C., Gutberlet, J. & Peredo A. M. (2010). United We Can: Resource Recovery, Place and Social Enterprise, Resources, Conservation & Recycling, 54 (7): 422-428.
Gutberlet, J., Tremblay, C., Taylor, E. & Divakarannair, N. (2009). Who are our informal recyclers? An inquiry to uncover crisis and potential in Victoria, Canada. Local Environment: The International Journal of Justice and Sustainability, 14 (8): 733-747.
Gutberlet, J. (2009). The solidarity economy of recycling co-ops: micro-credit to alleviate poverty. Development in Practice, 19 (6): 737-751.
Raoulx, B., Gutberlet, J. & Tremblay, C. (2009). Dans les poubelles de Vancouveur Le recyclage comme support de socialization. Le Sociographe, 29: 69-81.
Gutberlet, J. (2008). Empowering collective recycling initiatives: Video documentation and action research with a recycling co-op in Brazil, Resources, Conservation and Recycling, 52: 659-670.
Gutberlet, J. & Baeder, A. (2008). Informal recycling and occupational health in Santo André, Brazil. International Journal of Environmental Health Research, 18 (1): 1-15.
Gutberlet, J. & Hunter, A. (2008). Social and environmental exclusion at the edge of São Paulo, Brazil. Urban Design International, 13: 3-20.
Gutberlet, J. (2008). Organized and informal recycling: social movements contributing to sustainability. Waste Management and the Environment IV. WIT Transactions on Ecology and the Environment, 109: 223-232. DOI:10.2495/WM080241.
Gutberlet, J., Seixas, S.C. Glinfkoi Thé, A.M. and Carolsfeld, K. (2007). Resource conflicts and co-management: Challenges in the São Francisco watershed, Brazil. Human Ecology, 35: 623-638.
Gutberlet, J. (2005). Living on the edge: Social and environmental exclusion in the periphery of São Paulo, Brazil. Geografias Espacios y Sociedades, 1 (1): 1-20.
Gutberlet, J. (2002). Auflösung kleinbäuerlicher Landwirtschaft in Mato Grosso (Disintegration of traditional agriculture in Mato Grosso). Geographische Rundschau, 54 (11): 22-26.
Gutberlet, J. (2002). Zoneamento da Amazônia: uma visâo crítica (Zoning the Amazon: a critical perspective). Estudos Avançados, 16 (46): 157-174.
Gutberlet, J. (2000). Sustainability: a new paradigm for industrial production. International Journal of Sustainability in Higher Education, 1 (3): 225- 236.
Gutberlet, J. (1999). Rural development and social exclusion. a case study of sustainability and distributive issues in Brazil. Australian Geographer, 30 (2): 221-237.
Gutberlet, J. (1995). Ocupação e conflitos sócio-ambientais no Centro-Oeste” (Occupation and socio-environmental conflicts in the Midwest). Politicas Ambientais IBASE, 3 (9): 1-3.
Kohlhepp, G. & Gutberlet, J. (1994). Estructura socio-económica y dinámica ambiental en la bacia hidrográfica del Alto Rio Paraguy (Socio economic structure and environmental dynamics in the Upper Paraguay River basin). Diálogo Científico, 3 (1): 135-140.
Gutberlet, J. (1994). Estrutura sócio-econômica e dinâmica ambiental na bacia do Alto Rio Paraguai/MT (Social and economic structure and environmental dynamics in the Upper Paraguay River basin). Anais do 4. Encontro Nacional de Estudos sobre o Meio Ambiente, UFMT, Cuiabá, pp. 413-420.
Gutberlet, J. (1994). Pequena produção nos cerrados e transformaçτes sócio-ambientais recentes: O caso do Municipio de Acorizal na Baixada Cuiabana (Small scale production in the savanna and recent transformations). Cadernos do NERU, 3: 175-202.
Gutberlet, J. (1994). Traditionelle kleinbäuerliche Landnutzung im Cerrado: Entwicklungsprozesse und sozio-ökologische Konflikte am Beispiel des Munizips Acorizal (Mato Grosso/Brasilien) (Traditional small scale farming in the savanna: a case study on development and socio-environmental conflicts in Acorizal, Mato Grosso). In: Kohlhepp, G. (Ed.): Tübinger Geographische Studien, No. 109) (=Tübinger Beiträge zur Geogr. Lateinamerika-Forschung, 10: 189-220.
Gutberlet, J. (1993). Tropenwaldzerstörung im Amazonas-Gebiet: Was wird vom Amazonas-Pakt dagegen unternommen? (Deforestation in the Amazon: What is the Amazon Cooperation Treaty doing to stop it?) In: Paul, W. & Santos, R. (Eds.): Schriften der Deutsch-Brasilianischen Juristen-Vereinigung (No. 20): Amazônia: Realität und Recht, Umwelt- und arbeitsrechtliche Fragestellungen. Peter Lang, Frankfurt, pp. 43-62.
Gutberlet, J. (1990). Uso de Sphagnum recurvum P. Beauv. como biofiltro no monitoramento de poluição aérea industrial de metais pesados (The application of Sphagnum recurvum P. Beauv as a biofilter to monitor industrial heavy metal air pollution). Acta Botânica Brasilica, 2 (1): 103-114.
Gutberlet, J. (1987). Industrialisierung in der Dritten Welt im ökologisch/sozio-ökonomischen Spannungsfeld. Das Beispiel Cubatão (Brasilien) (Industrialisation and ecological and socio-economic conflicts in developing countries: The example of Cubatão, Brazil). In: Kohlhepp, G. (Ed.): Tübinger Geographische Studien, No. 93, (Tübinger Beiträge zur geographischen Lateinamerika-Forschung, No. 1, Brasilien: Beiträge zur regionalen Struktur und Entwicklungsforschung), Tübingen pp.143-174.
Gutberlet, J. (2016) Urban Recycling Cooperatives: Building Resilient Communities. London, New York: Routledge Taylor & Francis Group. 183 pp.
Gutberlet, J. (2008). Recycling Citizenship, recovering resources: Urban poverty reduction in Latin America Ashgate, Aldershot, 163 pp.
Gutberlet, J. & Vaz Guimarãe, P. (2002). Desenvolvimento sustentável e Agenda 21: Guia para sociedade civil, municípios e empresas (Sustainable development and Agenda 21: Guide for civil society, municipalities and business). Centro de Estudos da Fundação Konrad Adenauer, São Paulo. 83 pp.
Gutberlet, J. (1998). Desenvolvimento desigual: impasses para a sustentabilidade no campo e na cidade (Unequal development: impasse to sustainability in rural and urban areas). Pesquisas No. 14, Centro de Estudos Fundação Konrad-Adenauer, São Paulo. 108 pp.
Gutberlet, J. (1996). Produção industrial e política ambiental. Experiências de São Paulo e Minas Gerais (Corporate environmental politics: a case study from São Paulo and Minas Gerais/Brazil). Pesquisas No. 7, Centro de Estudos Fundação Konrad-Adenauer, 153 pp.
Gutberlet, J. (1996). Cubatão: Desenvolvimento, exclusνo social e degradação ambiental (Cubatão: development, social exclusion and environmental degradation). Editora da Universidade de São Paulo, São Paulo, 244 pp.
Gutberlet, J. (1991). Industrieproduktion und Umweltzerstörung im Wirtschaftsraum Cubatão/São Paulo (Brasilien). Eine Fallstudie zur Erfassung und Beurteilung ausgewählter sozio-ökonomischer und ökologischer Konflikte unter besonderer Berücksichtigung der atmosphärischen Schwermetallbelastung (Industrial production and environmental degradation in the industrial center of Cubatão/São Paulo in Brazil: a case study on socio-economic and ecological conflicts). (Dissertation) Tübinger Geographische Studien, 106 (Tübinger Beiträge zur Geographischen Lateinamerika-Forschung, No. 7), Tübingen 338 pp.
Book Chapters
Gutberlet, J. (2020) Prefacio. In: Francelino Gonçalves-Dias, S. L.; Sakurai, T. &Ziglio, L. (Org.) Catadores e espaços de (in) visibilidades. Pp. 11-14. São Paulo: Editora Blucher.
Frey, K.; Ferreira Ramos, R.; Gutberlet, J. & Anjos, L. A. P. dos (2020) ODS 17 – Parcerias e meios de implementação. In: Frey, K.; Torres, P. H.; Jacobi, P. R.; Ramos, R. F. (Orgs.) Os Objetivos do Desenvolvimento Sustentável – desafios para o planejamento e a governança ambiental da Macrometrópole Paulista. Santo André, Editora da UFABC.
Gutberlet, J. (2020) Pesquisa-ação e participação universitária nas transformações socioambientais. In: Freire, A. F.; Ramos Júnior, D. V.; Mota Machado, L. & Cavalcante da Silva, M. Cultura e território em foco: Uma abordagem interdisciplinar. Porto Alegre, RS: Editora Fi, pp. 21-35.
Frey, K. & Gutberlet, J. (2019) Democracia e governança do clima – diálogos Norte-Sul. In: Torres, P. et al. (Orgs.) Governança e Planejamento Ambiental: Adaptacao e políticas públicas na Macrometrópole Paulista Rio de Janeiro, LetraCapital, pp. 23-30.
Gutberlet, J. (2018). Waste in the City: Challenges and Opportunities for Urban Agglomerations, Urban Agglomeration, (Ed.), InTech, DOI: 10.5772/intechopen.72047. Available from:
Gutberlet J., Jayme de Oliveira B. & Tremblay C. (2017) Arts-Based and Participatory Action Research with Recycling Cooperatives. Chapter in: Rowell, L. L., Bruce, C., Shosh, J. M., Riel, M. (Eds.) Palgrave International Handbook of Action Research, Palgrave Macmillan US. EBook ISBN 978-1-137-40523-4. 10.1057/978-1-137-40523-4, pp. 699-715.
King, M. F., Gutberlet, J. & da Silva, D.M. (2016) Contribuição de cooperativas de reciclagem para a redução de emissão de gases de efeito estufa (Contribution of recycling cooperatives to the reduction of greenhouse gas emissions). In: Jaquetto Pereira, B. C. & Lira Goes, F. (Org), Catadores de materiais recicláveis : um encontro nacional. Instituto de Pesquisa Econômica Aplicada (Ipea). ISBN 978-85-7811-267-7, pp. 507-536.
Gutberlet, J.; Baeder, A. M.; Pontuschka, N. N.; Felipone, S. M. N.; dos Santos, T. L. F. & de Souza, M. A. (2016). Pesquisa-ação em educação ambiental e saúde dos catadores: Estudo de caso realizado com integrantes de cooperativas de coleta seletiva e reciclagem na Região Metropolitana de São Paulo, Brasil (Action research for environmental education and occupational health: A study with members of recycling cooperatives in metropolitan São Paulo). In: Jaquetto Pereira, B. C. & Lira Goes, F. (Org), Catadores de materiais recicláveis : um encontro nacional. Instituto de Pesquisa Econômica Aplicada (Ipea). ISBN 978-85-7811-267-7, pp. 201-216.
Gutberlet, J. & Tremblay, C. (2015) Peace and social inclusion: Experiences with recycling cooperatives in Brazil and Canada. In: MacPherson, I. & Paz, Y. The Relevance of Co- operatives to Peace. Edited and published by Joy Emmanuel Edited, pp. 213-220.
Rodrigues, G., Azevedo, A. & Gutberlet, J. (2015) Parcerias Público-Privadas no Tratamento de Resíduos Sólidos. Opções e Impactos Socioambientais no Caso de São Bernardo do Campo/SP. In: Interamerican Development Bank (IDB) Experiências brasileiras e desafios para fortalecimento de Alianças Público-Privadas para o Desenvolvimento / Banco Interamericano de Desenvolvimento. – Brasília: IDB, 2015, pp. 173-187.
Gutberlet, J. & Donoso, M. (2015). Zero waste: climate mitigation and poverty reduction with cooperative recycling. In: Hirsch, T., Lottje, C. & Netzer, N. (Eds.) Exploring Sustainable Low Carbon Development Pathways. Pioneers of Change. 21 good practices for sustainable low carbon development in developing countries. Friedrich Ebert Stiftung, pp. 25-37.
Tremblay, C.; Gutberlet, J. & Bonatti M. (2015) Celebrating Community-University Research Partnerships: Experiences in Brazil. In: Hall, B.; Tandon, R. & Tremblay, C. (Eds.), Strengthening community university research partnerships: global perspectives. Victoria: University of Victoria and PRIA, pp. 73-94.
Gutberlet, J., Tremblay, C. & Moraes, C. S. V. (2014). The community based research tradition in Latin America. In: Higher Education and community based research, Edited by Munch, Mellrath, Hall, B. and Tandon, R., London: Palgrave Macmillian Publishers, pp. 167-246
Gutberlet, J. & Baeder, A. (2014). A educação participativa e inclusão social de catadores de materiais recicláveis (Participatory education and social inclusionof informal recyclers). In: Loschiavo dos Santos, M. C., Walker, S. & Lopes Francelino Gonçalves, S. (Eds.): Design, Resíduo & Dignidade, São Paulo: Editora Olhares. ISBN 978-85-62114-35-9, pp. 419-436
Gutberlet, J. & Baeder, A. (2014). Community-based education and social inclusion of informal and organized recyclers in resource recovery. In: Loschiavo dos Santos, M. C., Walker, S. & Lopes Francelino Gonçalves, S. (Eds.): Design, Waste & Dignity, São Paulo: Editora Olhares. ISBN 978-85-62114-35-9. pp. 411-427.
Gutberlet, J. (2014). Replenishing the earth through informal and cooperative recycling. In: Bardi, U. (Ed.) Extracted. How the quest for mineral wealth is plundering the planet: a report to the Club of Rome. Vermont: Chelsea Green Publishing, pp. 218-224.
Gutberlet, J. (2013). Informal cooperative recyclers tackle global environmental challenges. In: ISSC and UNESCO (2013), World Social Science Report 2013, Changing Global Environments, OECD Publishing and UNESCO Publishing, Paris, pp.: 326-332.
Gutberlet, J. (2013). Suffizienz und Wertstoffrückgewinnung statt Rohstoffverschwendung (Sufficiency resource recovery instead of waste). In: Bardi, U. (Ed.) Der geplünderte Planet. Die Zukunft des Menschen im Zeitalter schwindender Ressourcen. Oekom, Muenchen, pp. 295-302.
Gutberlet, J. & Takahashi, N. (2012). Pesca artesanal e pesquisa participativa: Aprender com a comunidade de pescadores em Arraial do Cabo, Brasil (Artisanal fisheries and participatory research: Learning from fishing communities in Arraial do Cabo, Brazil). In: Caldasso, L. Valle, R. & Vinha, V. In: Governança em Reserva Extrativista Marinha. Rio de Janeiro: Pod Editora. ISBN: 978-85-8225-009-9, pp.
Gutberlet, J. (2011). Waste to energy, wasting resources and livelihoods. In: Sunil Kumar (Ed.): InTech – Integrated Waste Management. Vol. 1, ISBN: 978-953-307-469-6, Chapter 12, pp. 219-236.
Gutberlet, J. (2010). Participatory video for empowerment. In: D. Clover, B. Jayme, S. Follen, B. Hall (3rd Ed), The Nature of Transformation. Published by Department of Adult Education, Community Development, and Counselling Psychology, Ontario Institute for Studies in Education/University of Toronto ISBN 0-919971-35-0. pp. 121–125.
Gutberlet, J. & Carneiro, A. M. (2007) Conflitos de Pesca e Uso dos Recursos Naturais numa Reserva extrativista Marinha (Fisheries conflicts and natural resources use in a Marine Extractive Reserve). Projeto Gestão Socioambiental de Reserva Extrativista Marinha para o Ecodesenvolvimento. COPPE: UFRJ. 16 pp.
Gutberlet, J. (2005). Co-management of urban solid waste resources: Experiences and challenges from Sao Paulo, Brazil. In: Ibrahim, M., Errafie, C., Bounaim, N., Chifri, H. & Mahfoud, M. (Eds.) Impacts environnementaux et socio-économiques des options de valorisation des déchets solides municipaux pour les collectivités de petite et moyenne taille, Séminaire regional, 1-2 June 2005, Rabat, pp. 92-102.
Gutberlet, J. (2004). The impacts of industrial development, in: Regional Sustainable Development Reviews, Brazil, [Ed. Luis Enrique Sanchez], in: Encyclopedia of Life Support Systems (EOLSS), Developed under the auspices of the UNESCO, EOLSS Publishers, Paris, France, [] [Retrieved September 8, 2015], 35 pp.
Gutberlet, J. & Takahashi, R. (2002). Le gestion et le recyclage des ordures dans le bidonvilles. Expérience de Pedra sobre Pedra São Paulo, Brésil (Recycling management in squatter settlements. The experience from Pedra sobre Pedra in São Paulo). In: Botta, H. Berdier, C. & Deleuil, J.-M. (Eds.), Enjeux de la propreté urbaine. Lausanne, Presses polytechniques et universitaires romandes, pp. 103-121.
Gutberlet, J. (2000). Quality of life in marginal spaces: The urban frontier in São Paulo/Brazil. In: Seik, F. T., Yuan, L. L. & Khei Mie, G. W. (Eds.), Planning for a better quality of life in cities. Singapore, School of Building and Real Estate, National University of Singapore, Singapore, pp. 210-225.
Albrecht, G. & Gutberlet, J. (2000). Sustainability and the Hunter Region. In: McManus, P., O’Neill, P. & Loughran, B. (Eds.): Journeys: The Making of the Hunter Region. Allen & Unwin, Sydney, pp. 244-265.
Other Publications (reports, peer reviewed proceedings, video documentaries, community-outreach brochures)
PEW Charitable Trust & Systemiq (2020) Breaking the Plastic Wave. A comprehensive assessment of pathways towards stopping ocean plastic pollution. Available:
Goodluck, C.; Gutberlet, J.; Azevedo, Adalberto, M. M. de; Carenzo, S.; Kain, J-H.; Oloko, M. O. Pérez Reynosa, J.; Zapata, P. & Zapata Campos, M. J. (2019) Sustainable Waste Collection and Recycling for Inclusive Cities. 2nd report on research outcomes of the project Recycling Networks & Waste Governance. Swedish Research Council (n° 2016-06289) and Canada Social Sciences and Humanities Research Council (n° 890-2016-0098). 2nd Intern. Conference on Recycling Networks and Waste Governance, Dar es Salaam 29th of April to 4th of May, 2019.
Frey, K.; Gutberlet, J. & Jacobi, P. R. (2019) Governance of Sustainability Transitions in Cities of the Global South – whereto, by whom, how? 2019 International Sustainability Transitions (IST) Conference, Carleton University, Ottawa – June 23-26, 2019.
Frey, K.; Gutberlet, J. & Jacobi, P. R. (2019) Environmental Governance towards Sustainability Transitions in Cities of the Global South. 4th International Conference on Public Policy (ICPP4), Montréal – June 26-28, 2019.
Gutberlet, J. (2019) Grassroots innovations in waste governance addressing sustainable development goals. Sardinia 2019: 17th International Waste Management and Landfill Symposium, Santa Margherita di Pula, 30.09. – 04.10.2019.
Gutberlet, J. (2019) Waste picker social economy organizations addressing the Sustainable Development Goals. UNTFSSE International Conference, Geneva, 25-26 June 2019
Azevedo, A. M. M. de; Carenzo, S.; Goodluck, C.; Gutberlet, J.; Kain, J.-H.; Oloko, M. O.; Pérez Reynosa, J.; Zapata, P. & Zapata Campos, M. J. (2018) Inclusive waste governance and grassroots innovations for social, environmental and economic change: Report on first research outcomes of the project Recycling Networks & Waste Governance. Swedish Research Council (n° 2016-06289) and Canada Social Sciences and Humanities Research Council (n° 890-2016-0098). In collaboration with WIEGO. ISBN 978-91-984547-3-4.
Gutberlet, J. (2017). Participatory Sustainable Waste Management – UN Sustainable Development Coals addressed by this project. University of Victoria, Office of Community University Engagement OCUE. Impact Case Study (REF GE01). OCUE – UVic Impact Stories 2017
Gutberlet, J. (2016). Regenerating cities with community-based inclusive waste management practices. Sustainable City 2016 Conference paper, Vol. 204 of the WIT Transactions on Ecology and the Environment (ISSN: 1743-3541).
Gutberlet, J. & Kain, J-H., Oloko, M.; Zapata, P. & Zapata Campos, M. J. (2015). De organización comunitaria a emprendedor socio-ambiental. El caso de la recolección de residuos domiciliarios en asentamientos informales en Kisumu, Kenia. Enfoque, Managua: Nicaragua.
Gutberlet, J. (2015). Cooperativas y redes de reciclaje: Experiencias desde Brazil. Enfoque, Managua: Nicaragua.
Gutberlet, J. (2015). Action-oriented research on community recycling in São Paulo, Brazil. In: Dearden, P. & Mitchell, B. (Eds.) 2015. Environmental Change and Challenge, 5th Ed, Oxford University Press, Oxford. (Textbook contribution)
Carrieri, A. & Gutberlet, J. (2014). Catadoras and Catadores: Working in recycling cooperatives. Access: (Video)
Gutberlet, J. & Carrieri, A. (2014). Catadoras and Catadores: Working in recycling cooperatives. (Broshure).
Gutberlet, J. (2014). Recycling cooperatives. In: Liboiron, M., Acuto, M. & Nagle, R (Eds). Discard Studies Compendium. Accessible at:
Gutberlet, J. (2014). Participatory Action Research. In: Liboiron, M., Acuto, M. & Nagle, R (Eds). Discard Studies Compendium. Accessible at:
King, M. & Gutberlet, J. (2014). Avaliação da contribuição de cooperativas de reciclagem para a redução de emissão de gases de efeito estufa: Oportunidade para participar no mercado de crédito de carbono. Encontro Nacional “Conhecimento e Tecnologia: Inclusão Socioeconômica de Catadores(as) de Materiais Recicláveis”. Brasília, 20 to 22.08.2014 (Conference Proceeding).
Gutberlet, J. Baeder, A. M., Pontuschka, N. N. Felipone, S. M. N., dos Santos, T. L. F. & de Souza, A. M. (2014). Pesquisa-ação em educação ambiental e saúde dos catadores. Encontro Nacional “Conhecimento e Tecnologia: Inclusão Socioeconômica de Catadores(as) de Materiais Recicláveis”. Brasília. 20 to 22.08.2014 (Conference Proceeding).
Gutberlet, J. (2014). Recycling cooperative networks – building resilient communities. Regional Studies Association European Conference 2014. Dokuz Eylül University, Faculty of Business, Izmir, Turkey, 15.-18.06.2014 (Conference Proceeding).
Gutberlet, J. (2014). Cooperative Urban Mining. SUM 2014, Second Symposium on Urban Mining. Bergamo, Italy 19-21 May 2014 (Conference Proceeding).
King, M. & Gutberlet, J. (2013). Carbon credits and recycling (Brochure).
Caldasso, L. P. Vinha, V. da & Gutberlet, J. (2012). Direitos de propriedade comum: uma abordagem metodológica para reservas marinhas extrativistas no Brasil. VI Encontro Nacional da ANPPAS, Belém, Pará. 18.-21.09.2012. Access: (Conference Proceeding).
Pontuschka, N. N. Gutberlet, J., Baeder, A. M., Marins, A. M., Cardozo, F. L., Honorato, M. L., Freitas Takahashi, M. R. & Dias, S. A. (2012). Dialogo, participacao e sustentabilidade: A coleta seletiva no projeto Brasil-Canada. FEUSP. ISBN: 978-85-60944-37-8 (Conference Proceeding).
Pontuschka, N.N. Gutberlet, J., Baeder, A., Felipone, S.M.N., dos Santos, T.L.F. & Dias, S.A. (2012). Environmental Education and Health (Brochure).
Pontuschka, N.N. Gutberlet, J., Baeder, A. M., Marins, A.M., Cardozo, F.L., Honorato, M.L., Freitas Takahashi, M. R. & Dias, S.A. (2012). Collective commercialization of recyclable material (Brochure).
Gutberlet, J. (2012). Action-oriented research on community recycling in São Paulo, Brazil. In: Dearden, P. & Mitchell, B. (Eds.) 2012. Environmental Change and Challenge, 4th Ed, Oxford University Press, Oxford, pp. 116-117.
Gutberlet, J. (2012). Co-creation of knowledge on occupational health. Interact. The Association of Commonwealth Universities, 2: August 2012, pp. 3-4 (News).
Albanás Couto, G., Gutberlet, J. Pontuschka, N.N., Baeder, A. & Dias de Araujo, S. (2012). Seminário Internacional de Coleta Seletiva. Encerramento do Projeto Gestão Participativa e Sustentável de Resíduos Sólidos (PSWM) / Projeto Brasil-Canadá e Construção de perspectivas de inclusão e de sustentabilidade. Santo Andre (Report).
Gutberlet, J. (2011). Inclusive Solid Waste Management: Urban adaptation towards greater resource efficiency. CU Expo 2011 (Community-University Partnerships: Bringing Global Perspectives to Local Action) University of Waterloo, Canada (Poster).
Gutberlet, J. et ali. (2011). Relatório técnico das atividades do projeto Gestão Participativa e Sustentável de Resíduos Sólidos, realizadas durante o período Março 2010 a Março 2011. Universidade de Victoria/FEUSP (Report).
Gutberlet, J., Tremblay, C. & Searl R. (2010). Participatory Video Practitioners Toolkit (Video Documentary – English/Portugues). Access: (Video).
Gutberlet, J. et al. (2010). Participatory Sustainable Waste Management Booklet. CBRL. Access: (Video).
Gutberlet, J. et al. (2010). Relatório técnico das atividades do projeto Gestão Participativa e Sustentável de Resíduos Sólidos, realizadas durante o período Março 2009 a Março 2010. Universidade de Victoria/FEUSP (Report).
King, M. F. & Gutberlet, J. (2010). Evaluating the contribution of organized and informal sector recycling to the reduction of greenhouse gas emissions in São Paulo, Brazil. In Proceedings of the Prairie Summit The Prairie Summit: Joint Conference of the CAG, CCA, CGRG, CRSS, Regina, Canada, 2010. (Conference Proceeding).
Moraes, E. A. de, Muniz Carneiro, A. M. Gutberlet, J., Takahashi, N., Tristão, L. & Knaack de Souza, T. M. (2009) A Leitura da Gestão Socioambiental da Reserva Extrativista Marinha de Arraial do Cabo Sob a Ótica dos Pescadores Locais. VI Encontro ANPPAS. Available at: (Conference Proceeding).
Gutberlet, J. & Jayme, B. O. (2009). Reframing a society: A participatory video production with recyclers. UniWorld Online. (News)
Gutberlet, J., Tremblay, C. & Searl R. (2009). Beyond Gramacho (Video Documentary – English). Access: (Video).
Gutberlet, J., Tremblay, C. & Searl R. (2009). Além de Gramacho (Video Documentary – Portuguese). Access: (Video).
Gutberlet, J. & Tremblay, C. (2009). Binning through Victoria: experiences with participatory video (Video Documentary – English). Access: (Video).
Gutberlet, J., Tremblay, C. and Searle, R. (2009). Cooperpires: Recycling of citizenship. EkosTV Communications. Access: (Video).
Gutberlet, J. et al. (2009). Relatório técnico das atividades do projeto Gestão Participativa e Sustentável de Resíduos Sólidos, realizadas durante o período Março 2008 a Março 2009. Universidade de Victoria/FEUSP (Report).
Gutberlet, J. et ali. (2008). Relatório técnico das atividades do projeto Gestão Participativa e Sustentável de Resíduos Sólidos, realizadas durante o período Março 2007 a Março 2008. Universidade de Victoria/FEUSP (Report).
Gutberlet, J. (2007). Participatory Sustainable Waste Management project: mid-term evaluation. Video editing by Tremblay, C. Prepared for the Canadian International Development Agency (CIDA) (Video). Access: (Video).
Gutberlet, J. (2007). The Binning community in Victoria. A participatory exploration for livelihood enhancement. Community-based Research Laboratory, University of Victoria, Victoria, (Report).
Takahashi, N. & Gutberlet, J. (2007). Avaliação rápida da coleta seletiva porta a porta do Programa Vida Limpa em Diadema. Relatório de Pesquisa. (Report).
Gutberlet, J. (2007). Pesca tradicional no embate com o desenvolvimento (Field experiences – Arraial do Cabo 22 a 27 de Fevereiro 2007). (Report).
Gutberlet, J. & MacBee, G. (2007). Resource recovery and urban agriculture in Cuba: Some recent experiences (Field experiences – December 9 – 19, 2006). (Report).
Gutberlet, J. & MacBee, G. (2007). Recursos de residuos y agricultura urbana en Cuba Recientes experiencias (Experiencia de campo: 9 a 19 de Diciembre de 2006). (Report).
Gutberlet, J. et ali. (2007). Relatório técnico das atividades do projeto Gestão Participativa e Sustentável de Resíduos Sólidos, realizadas durante o período Março 2006 a Março 2007. Universidade de Victoria/Fundação Santo André. (Report).
Gutberlet, J. (2006). Building partnerships through recycling: Door-to-door collection in Vila Popular, Diadema, Brazil. Video editing by Tremblay, C. Available at the Communities-based Research Lab (CBRL), Department of Geography, University of Victoria. (Video).
Gutberlet, J. et ali. (2006). Relatório técnico das atividades do projeto Gestão Participativa e Sustentável de Resíduos Sólidos, realizadas durante o período Abril 2005 a Março 2006. Universidade de Victoria/Fundação Santo André. (Report).
Gutberlet, J. (2005). Quicknotes for Human Geography, based on: Knox, Marston & Nash: Human Geography Places and Regions in Global Context, 3rd Edition.
Gutberlet, J., Tremblay, C. & Searl, R. (2005). Recycling Citizenship, Video Documentary. EcosTV: The Power to Make a Difference. Victoria, Canada []. (Video).
Gutberlet, J. (2004). Traditional fisheries in coastal Brazil. A case study on assets and barriers for sustainable development, Proceedings: I Seminario de gestão Sócio-Ambiental para o Desenvolvimento Sustentável da Aquicultura e da Pesca no Brasil – I SEGAP, Rio de Janeiro 25-27.08.2004. (Conference proceedings).
Gutberlet, J., Seixas, C.S. & The, A.P. (2004). “Desafios no manejo de pesca na bacia do Rio São Francisco, Brasil” (Challenges in managing fisheries in the São Francisco watershed of Brazil). 10th Biennial Conference of the International Association for the Study of Common Property (IASCP), Oaxaca, Mexico. International Association for the Study of Common Property (09-13.08.2004), IASCP University of Indiana, Indiana, 38 pp. (Conference Proceeding).
Gutberlet, J. (2003). Rapid socio-economic assessment of fishing communities at the Sâo Francisco River in Brazil Report prepared for World Fisheries Trust, Victoria, September 2003. (Report).
Gutberlet, J. (2003). Cities, consumption, and the generation of waste. In: Aviso, Information Bulletin on global environmental change and human security, 11: 12-19.
Gutberlet, J. (2002). Brazilian Mariculture Linkage Program: Field Report May-August 2002. Project: Socio-economic appraisal of coastal fishing communities in relation to the introduction of mariculture. UVic, Victoria. (Report).
Gutberlet, J. (2002). Programa Brasileiro de Intercâmbio em Maricultura: Relatório de campo: Avaliação sócio-econômica de comunidades tradicionais envolvidas em maricultura. UVic, Victoria. (Report).
Gutberlet, J. (2001). Avaliação do panorama de boas práticas em gestão ambiental municipal no Brasil (Report for the Project Urban environmental management). (Projeto Gestão Ambiental Urbana) GTZ-IBAM-MMA, Rio de Janeiro. (Report).
Gutberlet, J. (2000). O zoneamento ecológico-econômico nos estados Acre, Amazonas e Pará: Considerações metodológicas para uma abordagem participativa (Ecological and economic zoning in the states of Acre, Amazonas and Pará: methodological considerations regarding a participative approach). SPRN/PPG7/GTZ (Sub-Programa Nacional de Políticas de Recursos Naturais / Programa Piloto para as Florestas Tropicais dos G7 / Cooperação Técnica Alemν), Manaus. (Report).
Gutberlet, J. (1997). Programa Nacional de Saúde, Segurança e Meio Ambiente: Subprograma Meio Ambiente (Elaboration of a national program for health, job safety and the environment: environmental subprogram. Proposal for a nationwide action plan on environmental education for the Brazilian Social Industrial Service). Serviço Social da Indústria SESI, Brasília. (Report).
Gutberlet, J., Aguiar, M.V. de A. & Couto, E.G. (1994). Espaço f’ísico da bacia do Alto Rio Paraguai (Evalution of the natural resources in the Upper Paraguay river basin). Fase I: Diagnóstico (2). Convênio de cooperação científico-tecnológico Brasil-Alemanha. UFMT- Núcleo de Estudos Rurais e Urbanos & Universität Tübingen, Center for Latin American Studies, Cuiabá-Tübingen. (Report).